Welcome to Aloha

As the Seasons Change

Settle Into Yourself

Love one class each week? Try two and feel twice as good.

Autumn reminder: Aloha offers Special Pricing for College Students and Veterans.

See our Pricing Page.

 Talks on the Bhagavad Gita at Aloha

Aloha is fortunate to host Robert Moses and son, Satya to give 3 weeks of talks on the Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God. 

Oct 20, a Sunday, 1-3pm will be an intro to the Bhagavad Gita and how it fits into the Mahabharata. The Mahbharata is a great epic from India in which Lord Krishna teaches the warrior Arjuna.the essence of Yoga and Vedanta.

Oct 27, 1-3, Robert will talk on the Essential Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. 

Nov 3, 1-3, will finish out the series and the topic will be Applying the Lessons in our Daily Lives. 

Who is this series for? Yoga teachers, Yoga students, and anyone who likes literature, philosophy, or who has curiosity.

Register at vagaro.com/alohakeene or call 603-762-3129

Want to deepen your practice or maybe even teach yoga yourself?

Free info session at Aloha Wednesday October 9th 5:30 – 6:30 pm 

Aloha is looking for a resident photographer!
Someone to attend classes and workshops from time to time and to take photographs of interest around the Aloha grounds.
Please contact Josephine if this is of interest to you: josephine@alohakeene.com

Time Flies, Plan Ahead for 2025!

Something to look forward to, Register Now for Bliss Yoga Day, January 25

Bliss Yoga Day featuring Yvette Om offers a transformative experience with a wide range of workshops, including an opening Cacao ceremony, morning and afternoon workshops, and a mesmerizing story telling session by the mural. Participants can also enjoy the soothing tunes of kirtan performed by Yvette and her rocking band. Throughout the day, services such as reiki, card reading, and tuning forks are available, as well as the opportunity to purchase ceremonial cacao. Keep in touch by checking the NEW Bliss Yoga Day page on this very website!

Take an Aloha virtual tour: